There are a few sculptural changes to the E20 figure to get him up-to-date with Santino's current look and the addition of an "iconic" prop of his. Will this latest Marella easily replace the first version? Find out!
Santino Marella
WWE Elite Collection (series 3 & 20)
$14.99 & 16.99 (respectively)
First, let's get the basics out of the way. Santino actually features a unique upper body with a sculpted singlet. It may look similar to the Bushwhackers/Hitman torso, but Santino's is slightly smaller and the singlet has a wider, squarer opening across the chest. His legs were later reused for series 4's Finlay, with the sculpted edges of the singlet on the upper thighs.
The new head features a smiling Santino and gets rid of the unibrow the E3 figure is sporting. The likenesses are good on both figures, accurately capturing the changes to the Superstar over the past three years.
I'm not sure when he made the change, but Santino eventually stopped using the calf-high boots, opting for more traditional, amateur-wrestling footwear. If the shoes on the figure look familiar it's because they're the same mold seen on all the pre-E17 John Cena Elites. Santino isn't as big Cena and doesn't have molded knee pads, so Mattel created a new lower leg piece for him. The new figure uses the same kind of knee pads as the previous one, but this time they're molded in blue to match his singlet. The pads on the E3 figure are molded red with white lines painted on.
However, I have a bone to pick with Mattel. I'm very disappointed that they decided to reuse the same attire. That's such a cheap out when Marella has a few different outfits. What's worse is that all his Basic figures use this attire, too!
The only other paintwork to talk about is on the wrists and boots. Both figures feature black paint to recreate Santino's wrist tape. The E3 figure utilizes red paint on the laces of his boots. I should note that my figure had some red slop on the heel of his right foot. No such slop is found on the E20's wrestling booties since they're molded in the necessary color.
Elite 3 Santino included a t-shirt and microphone [not pictured]. The t-shirt is made of red cloth with screen-printed logos on the front and left sleeve with a velcro closure on the back. The microphone is the usual WWE mic with logos only on two of it's four sides.

I think comparing each figure's accessories gives us an interesting view of 2010 economics versus 2013 economics. Three years ago the Elite series 3 Santino cost me $14.99 at retail and included a cloth t-shirt and a microphone. In March of 2013, the E20 version cost $16.99 at Toys R Us, reuses the same attire and actually cuts some of the paint cost of the previous version by avoiding the painted knee pads and boots AND includes only one accessory.
I know the CM Punk figure from the same wave only comes with a title belt, but I can't help but feel Santino was the "cost-cutting" figure in the wave. I think the new lower legs and amount of tattoos was a contributing factor, but I don't see any reason Mattel couldn't have given us a different attire.
That aside, the figure is great and if you missed Santino the first time around, you should be happy to add this one to your collection. I actually like this version a bit more because it's the Santino I'm more familiar with. By the time I started following WWE again in 2010 he was sporting a look closer to this figure. The fact that the E3 figure has almost the same attire kind of lessens it for me and I'll more than likely look into selling him.