Today I'm reviewing one of the first two figures I've purchased from the new six-inch-scale Star Wars line, Darth Maul. I know, I need another line to collect as much as I need another hole in my head, but after over a decade away from SW toys, swearing off the 3.75" figures, Hasbro has pulled me back in with 1/12 scale figures.
I'm not all-in on the line, though. My focus is on the "Original Trilogy" characters with a few exceptions, most obvious is Darth Maul. Some fans write him off as a throwaway character. Someone who was there to look cool, but not offer much substance. Some say the same about Boba Fett. Regardless of Maul's role in the films, he is visually appealing and is arguably the standout of
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. So let's see how his figure turned out!