Masters of the Universe Classics
Mattel/ 7" Scale
$20+ (www.MattyCollector.com)
Webstor was released on MattyCollector back in September of 2009. I mentioned in the Killer B Comic, "Webstor meets Webhead" that I won him from Articulated Discussion during that month's commentator contest. He included everything you see below.
His spider-arms are part of his backpack/armor, which is removeable.
He's pretty much identical to Skeletor, save a dark blue skin tone and the He-Man loincloth.
Webs gets a two-handled rifle, which he can hold with both hands using a little manipulation...
Webs gets a two-handled rifle, which he can hold with both hands using a little manipulation...
Although, I prefer the one-handed grip. He's ready to bust a cap in someone's Eternian ass!
At this point I was going to showcase his backpack and grappling hook, but the pics I took ended up in a cool little sequence to I arranged them into a bonus addition of KBComics!
Yeah, well, I'm just doing my job, Webs. Take it easy, dude.