While DCUC vacated the top wall shelf (and there aren't any figures filling the slot), the Ghostbusters are holding over from last month, waiting for the "clean" Peter to arrive.
I'll eventually rework the display once the new Venkman is in. Not sure how to include him with the proton stream while the other GB'ers are standing around just holding their un-lit sticks. Damn you, Mattel.
DCUC takes the top spot on the display (left to right): Hawkman, Hal Jordan, Power Girl, Kilowog, The Flash, John Stewart, Blue Devil, Donna Troy, OMAC, Batman, Cyborg, Etrigan, Superman, Kid Flash, Green Arrow, Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, The Spectre, J'onn J'onzz, Mary Marvel, Cyclotron, Firestorm, Atom Smasher and Golden Pharaoh. No specific theme here other than only heroes are on display. Kid Flash is kind of the "Easter egg" in the bunch.
Batman and the Batmobile from "The Dark Knight Collection" are still holding down the second shelf. I can't bring myself to put that one back in the box, although I'm planning to swap it out next month with a different Batmobile.
And on the last display shelf I swapped out MoD Undertaker and HellBoy for two figures from WWE Entrance Greats, The Rock and Y2J. A nice little nod to the WWE's "Attitude"-era.
Well, that's it for this month, stay tuned for the December edition when the Hive will celebrate with a Christmas motif! Not really. Okay, maybe just a little, I did pick up Santa Grayskull this week, after all.
Anyway, check those pics again, you may find another little Easter egg floating around somewhere. Can you guess who it is?