Bam Bam Bigelow
WWE Legends Series 5
Mattel/ 7" Scale
$12.99 - 15.99
Being another super-heavyweight, BBB shares several parts with series 3's Vader, except for his head, hands and upper torso. The head and torso are new in the line. I initially thought Bam Bam shared his torso with his wavemate Akeem, but after comparing them side-by-side, I noticed Akeem's is new, too, and much "fatter" than BBB. The torso perfectly captures the big man's bulk with his chest overlapping his abdomen and ribcage. The new pieces make Bigelow just a bit taller than Vader, which is actually incorrect since Bam Bam was billed as 6'3" and Vader at 6'5". I wouldn't call it a huge issue, I didn't even consider it until I looked up their sizes on Wikipedia and we at least continue to have some height variations in the line.
Inspite of Bigelow's size, he still retains the standard articulation for WWE Legends, however some points are more limited than others. His hips, for instance, barely reach 45 degrees forward and the fat around his neck restricts his head movement just a bit. Everything else works fine, but I did have trouble with his ankles (a seemingly recurring problem with Mattel's Legends and Elites). Much like Vader, he kept falling forward whenever I tried posing him. This issue isn't specific to the larger figures, I've run into the same problem with average-build figures, too. I recently purchased the Elite Sheamus and he had probably the worst case of loose ankles I've encountered. It seems that much like several of Mattel's Masters of the Universe Classics figures, the ankle peg is too long keeping the lower leg and foot from touching and thus not providing enough support to hold the figure upright. You can balance the figure, but it's only a matter of time before it takes a dive. To remedy this I used a couple of those clear rubberbands found in much of Mattel's packaging to wrap around the peg until it provided enough support to tighten up the ankle joint. Since the bands are clear and inside the joint, you won't notice them when you display your figures and you can always remove them later (with the help of an unwound paperclip).
The vest features lots of detail! It's beautifully sculpted with layers upon layers of flame all around the vest and up the collar. Even Bam Bam's logo and the flame field on the back are sculpted out on the vest. It's made of a very thick rubber and feels really sturdy and durable. The locking pegs on each side are wide and don't look like they'll break easily during normal use.
The only real downside to the vest is the lack of detailed paint applications. It's molded in orange then painted with black for the base area behind the flames and silver for the lettering. And that's it. That's the extent of the paint apps. The worst part being Bigelow's picture on the card, showing all the red and yellow detailing missing on the vest. It's really a shame after the fantastic job they did sculpting it. Mattel similarly dropped the ball with Vader's mask.
I've read a lot of negative reactions to Bigelow's entrance attire, some fans stating it looks ridiculous or goofy. Well, I must point out that we are talking about PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING and absurdity is the name of the game. Personally, I like the entrance gear. It looks cool in action figure form, except for the lack of painted detail. For that fact alone, I will be displaying Bam Bam in his ring attire only (until I can detail the coat), which thankfully has enough detail on it to make it accurate. In all, I'm happy with the figure. Bam Bam Bigelow is once again a great rendition of a classic Superstar and I'm sure collectors will enjoy him with or without the flame coat.
I snagged BBB (along with Rick Martel) at Walmart for nearly seventeen bucks early last month, only to find him a couple of weeks later at Toys R Us, where WWE Legends are now selling for $12.99 and qualify for the McMahon Mail-away figure. Of course, next year you'll have to make all your Legends purchases from Matty Collector (bleh), so I recommend you hit your local TRUs and get your hands on as many Legends as you can before you have to shell out $15 (hopefully) plus at least $10.00 for shipping & handling and more than likely, taxes. Are these figures worth $15? Yeah, but they're a better deal at 13 dollars. Are they worth almost $30 for one figure? No, I can't say that they are.