At the top of that list is Soundwave, Megatron's right-hand bot. I found the Generations "Cybertronian" Soundwave rather easily at a Walmart not too far from home, and he's a fun figure, but I wanted a more traditional (and bigger) version for the classics display. The only real "classic" Soundwave released so far was the Takara Music Label figure, but he's no longer sold through retailers and the after-market asking price was above what I'm willing to pay for it. Then a glimmer of hope... BTS Toys released their take on a modernized Soundwave figure and he would cost less than $100!
Sonicron (BTS-04)
BTS Toys/ Voyager Class Scale
$30 - 40 (online)
Alas, all is not well in the land of shape-shifting autonomous robotic lifeforms. Sonicron, the fourth release by third party company, BTS Toys, is a real lemon of a toy, one that feels like a cheap knock-off of an official release, although it's an original design... well, not exactly. BTS' "Soundwave" is based off of this design by "All Hail Megatron" artist, Guido Guidi. In this unused incarnation, Soundwave's modern alt-mode is that of a hand-held microcassette recorder.
It's a pretty cool take on Soundwave and it made sense for BTS to bring this design to three-dimentional life, but the final product was poorly executed and plagued by quality control problems. BTS felt it was important to make Sonicron compatible with existing G1 mini-cassette figures (and the Ravage figure included with Classics Hound), along with their own later mini-cassette releases. To that end, the size needed for his chest compartment was set. However, to keep him in-scale with official classic releases, they had to scale him down a bit and that led to him looking disproportionate.
Neck, shoulders, waist and legs - all loose. Sure you can get them into just the right pose, but it takes some work (more than usual, anyway) and some simple poses are altogether impossible to achieve. The quality of the plastic is another issue, it's very cheap-feeling, which I wasn't entirely surprised by after owning a few other BTS products, but Sonicron is by far the release with the worst quality plastic in the catalogue.
The design isn't all bad. BTS was able to integrate Soundwave's handheld blaster and trademark shoulder cannon into the alt mode by allowing both pieces to join together and slide into the top portion of the device, forming it's "microphone'. In fact, all of Sonicron's accessories can be integrated into his alt mode save the alternate head. The actual transformation would be relatively easy except his poor build quality keeps things from lining up properly and staying in place.
His head flips back into a compartment in the torso, his right arms contracts and moves over his chest. His left arm similarly closes up, but remains flush against the left side of the torso. The backpack/rocket cluster attaches to the left arm. The legs are the most frustrating part. The feet and upper legs fold into the giant panels on his lower legs, then swing over via an absurdly designed series of joints to form the rightside assembly. There is a third "submarine" mode, but it looks so shitty and half-assed that I refuse to post an image of it.
In the hands of a master customizer Sonicron's robot mode could be something really impressive, especially if you don't care about his alt mode (which I wouldn't miss all that much), however that is beyond my current customizing skill level. Standing next to his fellow BTS creations, the Minions (which turned out great), and even United Megatron, BTS-04 doesn't necessarily look as bad as he actually is, which is why he will have a spot in my upcoming Decepticons display, but on his own he's just a truly unfortunate action figure. If you're thinking of getting him, if your even mildly curious and believe "he can't be that bad...", do yourself a favor and hand over your credit card to your significant other or parental unit. This one is a PASS. Trust me.
For my review of a great BTS Toys release, click here!