That last name is the focus of today's review. In the film Crowe plays Superman's biological father, Jor-El, and incidentally his figure is the hardest to find in Mattel's accompanying Movie Masters line. Jor-El and Superman were my first two MoS purchases (a preview of next week's Honeypot!), but I thought it would be fun to review the elder El first. Take a look!
Man of Steel Movie Masters
$19.99 (Toys R Us)
Obviously, I haven't seen the film, yet, so it's hard to say for certain who accurate the figure is to the source material, but I can say for sure that Jor-El is the most unique figure out of the first wave which includes Superman and General Zod. In true Movie Masters style the sculpt on Jor-El is soft and a bit cartoony, very similar to Mattel's Ghostbusters figures. These are mass retail figures and I'm not expecting Hot Toys-level likenesses, so I can't nitpick here too much, after all I'm a huge fan of Mattel's WWE toys and those are just as caricature-y.
The figure is primarily molded in brown plastic. Pale blue-grey paint is applied to the exposed areas of his undersuit. The armor features additional highlighting with bronze paint to give it a weathered finish. There are some small splotches of blue paint in a couple of places, but nothing too excessive. I'm glad about that, too, because this was the only Jor-El on the pegs that day.
He has a ball-jointed head (limited by his hair), swivel-hinge shoulders (limited by the armor and cables), swivels at the biceps, wrists, waist and thighs, hinged elbows, knees and ankles, and "Mattel hips". I can live with most of the articulation featured here, but the lack of ab and rocker ankles is detrimental to a figure like Superman which should ideally be able to achieve a flying pose.
I don't know what the exact case packout is for this series, but the day I found them there were 4 Superman figures, 3 Zod and 1 Jor-El. Since then I've spotted MoSMM at another TRU, but there were only a couple of Zods left. So if that's any indicator, Jor-El is going to be really hard to find, follow by Superman (amazingly), but I think that's only because more fans (myself included) prefer the armored Zod.
You can expect to pay around $16 for these at Walmart (haven't seen the figures there, but the pegs were labeled) and $20+ at TRU. That's steep for Movie Masters which seemed to just skyrocket in price after the last wave of TDK. The crappy stand and lack of accessories doesn't help.