There's so much stuff to cover and so many different thoughts and feelings running through my head that I decided to break up my posts by brand/company to be as thorough as possible. Let's kick off with my number 1 collectiong line, Mattel's WWE Elite Collection!
For the best Mattel WWE coverage you should check out WrestlingFigs.com where you can find images on all the upcoming products. There's certainly plenty of cool stuff coming in the Basic/Battle Packs series, but for now I'll focus on only the Elite series.
Elite 23

Making his Elite debut, Cesaro looks to have made the transition to the highly-articulated model pretty well. I like the white trunks and I'm happy they didn't use one of his US flag shorts. This one appears more specific to him. I'm not entirely sure on how I feel about the thigh wraps. On one hand, it's good to see something sculpted instead of just painted on. On the other hand, they're probably too thick, but actually end up looking like real Rugby thigh wraps as opposed to the simple tape used by Cesaro. He also gets a new head, which I feel captures his persona much better than the first Basic figure. An American flag and metallic US title round out Cesaro's accessories.
The first of four Flashback figures in this wave, JBL will sport his jacket, towel and cowboy hat. I wasn't following WWE during this era and so have no real attachment to this version of "Bradshaw", but he'll definitely help fill out the "Ruthless Aggression" section of your collection. He does look a bit on the slim side, though.
John Cena
This latest version reuses the Elite 17 sculpt with a new head and color scheme, capturing Cena in his "10 Years Strong" attire. I like the deep blue color of this attire, but I'm not sure I need another John Cena figure. Also, this figure will be released in the WrestleMania 29 series with the new WWE title, but without his shirt.
Randy Savage
I'm not a fan of this attire, but it does look impressive. The new head? Not so much. I guess if you wanted a crabby Savage face, then you're in luck!

This one is a sure-buy for me. I loved HHH's Attitude-era attires and the fact this figure includes a DX t-shirt and his megaphone is just icing on the cake. Great, great job on this one, Mattel Design Team!
After getting the grey gloves version in "Entrance Greats", I'm glad Mattel decided to deliver the purple gloved version. And he comes with his mask! He wasn't displayed wearing the mask, but I think it's a safe bet that it will fit over his face. Rubber coat is a minus, but luckily I can always use the EG coat. Another sure-buy for me!
Elite 24

The Miz
I hate the Miz. When he was a heel, he was... entertaining. But his face run is horrible and he's just completely unwatchable. That said, this new grey attire with the upside-down WWE logo looks really good. Even when he first wore it, I thought it would make a great figure. I don't think he's a sure-buy just, yet, because I don't need another Miz in my collection, but I could see this being an impulse buy if there's nothing else on the pegs.
Dolph Ziggler
Awesome new headsculpt for Ziggler here (also available on upcoming Basic release)! He's going to include an "entrance" t-shirt that snaps around his waist like the E19 version and the WHC title belt. It's hard to tell from the images, but it seems he may be better proportioned this time around.

Sweet Christmas! MDT found a way to make me want another Mysterio figure! This "Dia de los Muertos" Rey looks phenomenal! I'm not a huge fan of Rey's, but this is the kind of figure that transcends the wrestler and is just a cool-looking action figure. I'm gonna have to grab it!
Red attire for the human wrecking ball. Basic debut Ryback is the one in my display and it seems he's going to be staying there.

Stratusfaction: delivered! And she'll include the Women's Championship! It doesn't look like she'll include her trademark entrance hat & coat, which is a shame, but I'm cool with just the belt for now.
Wade Barrett
A "Barrett Barage" version of the bare-knuckle brawler with the white IC title. Probably the first Wade figure I'll own. I like the expression on his face, but where's his arm sleeve?
Elite 25
Brodus Clay
A new Brodus, for the kids. Black singlet with orange trim and white entrance gear. Easy pass.

I won't pretend to know a lot about Bruno or the history of the WWWF, however I can appreciate his place within pro-wrestling. Does that mean I'll purchase this figure? I can't say for sure. I find it kind of funny that it's a Flashback to his prime, but includes Hall of Fame accessories: a plaque and podium. I think most people would have preferred a classic WWWF title belt, but I assume MDT wasn't able to secure the rights to recreate one. Oh, well.
I will say he looks damn imposing. Is that the Ezekiel/Brock body he's using?
Dean Ambrose
One of two Shield members in this wave. Ambrose will include a steel chair as his accessory and seems to reuse the same vest/shirt piece from his upcoming Basic release with a new head. I think I prefer the Basic headsculpt, but this is a for-sure-buy.
Seth Rollins
The other Shield member in the wave, Rollins seems to include the tall ladder and a breakaway table, of course the may have just been on display near him. I don't know if they've confirmed it, yet. The final member of the trio, Roman Reigns, won't be available until series 26.
The Celtic Warrior returns to his black attire, but this time around sports the large white logos and a new t-shirt. Easy pass.
Sin Cara
Crazy-ass green attire. I already have one Sin Cara and one Sin Cara is enough for me.
Best of PPV: WrestleMania XXIX
Brock Lesnar
No buzzcut Triple H in this line-up? WTF?! Anyway, this Brock is pretty much the same as his E19 release with the following changes: no knee pads (which is accurate to his WM29 appearance), logos on his gloves and a removable beanie. I can't tell from the pics if he'll have his correct, "old school" studded boots (see RSC exclusive below) this time around.
CM Punk
Okay, what the hell is going on with this face?! It's hideous and looks nothing like CM Punk! It could be a lighting issue, but an upcoming Punk using the same head looks just as hideous from a different angle. The saving grace with this release is attire which turned out very nice and the inclusion of Undertaker's urn which I surprised hasn't been included with any Taker figures before now.
Daniel Bryan
"No! No! No!" Oh, yes! D-Bry in his "no!" attire AND a new, shaggy-haired headsculpt. Kind of odd he includes two Tag belts and no character-specific accessory. Oh, well.
John Cena
A rehash of his E23 release with solid black shoes, but like I mentioned above will include the new WWE title instead of a t-shirt. Seems like a missed oppurtunity since this latest incarnation of Cena (and by that I mean his brown cargo shorts and navy blue wristbands) has debuted no less than three different t-shirts: 10 Years Strong in blue & gold, plus his white "The Champ is Here" shirt. MDT should have pushed for one of the alternate shirts to make it in.

Paul Heyman (BaF)
Regardless of what I think of this wave I'll inevitably end up purchasing all of them just to assemble Paul Heyman. There's also a Basic version of Heyman coming, but I'd rather get the Elite articulated one.
Other Exclusives

Hopefully having to buy that entire TRU-exclusive wave will help us with the next TRU mail-away, the deranged one, Mankind! I'm probably most excited about this release. It's obvious MDT really wanted to knock this one out of the park and he looks great! Absolutely can't wait to have him in-hand.

The big news, although pretty much the most logical choice for the next RSC exclusive, was the reveal of a Flashback Brock Lesnar, complete with a new metallic version of the "Undiputed" WWE title belt. FB Brock will also include his era-specific t-shirt.
I'm happy to see MDT gave him the correct boots, too. This is another must-have for me and the price is consistent with other RSC exclusives so don't be the douchebag that doesn't order one and complains when they're sold out. Don't be THAT guy.
That wraps up part one of my look at SDCC reveals. I'll probably cover some of the Basic & "work-in-progress" images of future Elites in a later post. It's obvious we have a lot to look forward to in the coming year!