The prodigal son returns!... Again. Last week I kicked off my reviews of the
Man of Steel Movie Masters line with Jor-El, this week we're taking a look at the titular hero, Superman!
MoS takes a pretty drastic turn in the design department from previous live-action incarnations of Superman, very similar to, but decidedly better than the current comic design of Kal-El. We're only a little over a week away from Man of Steel being released in theaters and I have to admit that in the last couple of months I've become very excited to see what Zack Snyder does with the franshise.
After the success of
Batman Begins in 2005 hopes were high for Bryan Singer's 2006 film,
Superman Returns, only to be squashed by a rather mundane outing for the last son of Krypton. Hence the reason I tried not to get too excited about MoS this year. However, I have to admit it seems like it will be the Superman film modern audiences have been yearning for.
For now, let our hunger be satiated with the first Superman figure released in conjunction with the new movie.