Before I get to the figure I wanted to add in a quick word(s) on the packaging. The 2012 series features the same "bubble-on-card" Legends packaging we're used to, however, there is no mention of what "series" the figure is part of on the front of the card and most of the package/manufacturing information on the backside of the card has been removed, including preview images of the rest of the Legends in the wave. Instead, we still have a brief "bio" of Andre and the Matty logo on the bottom. I guess keeping the package the same is good news for all you "MOC" collectors out there. For me it really doesn't make a difference. I scan the backside of the card because I love the "painted" look of the portraits and for the benefit of the reviews (coincidentally, there are only two Legends reviews I've done that do not feature a scan of the card art. Can you name them?).
Andre the Giant
WWE Legends
Mattel/ 7" Scale
$20.00 + s&h (www.mattycollector.com)
I won't go into too much history on Andre, instead I'll refer you to his Wikipedia entry here where you can get up to speed on the big man. Mattel originally planned to release the Giant as a pack-in bonus for the sadly unproduced WWE Legends "Elite-scale" wrestling ring. Unfortunately, the lackluster sales of their first Elite ring forced them to abandon the second attempt. Mattel announced that they would eventually work Andre into a single package release. Fast forward over a year later and we finally have him in the Legends line (and subsequently, our shelves).
When Mattel unveiled their 2012 MC subscriptions I lamented the fact that they didn't create one for WWE Legends. Now after already running into an issue with my first Club Lion Force order, I'm so glad they didn't sub Legends. To be honest, you shouldn't have any trouble ordering any of the Legends off of Matty, I've ordered plenty of non-sub stuff on there for the past couple of years and really haven't had any major issues, but I don't understand why they couldn't have offered these via their regular webstore, Mattel Shop. Maybe it's an issue with international shipping, I don't know.
To no one's surprise, Matty Collector isn't selling out on any of their WWE products. I mean, three months after they were released, the Rockers are still available (and on Ringside Collectibles, too!). While that may not bode well for the future of the Legends line, it does offer us a great oppurtunity to wait for some more figures to become available and then order them at once to help with shipping costs. For some reason, Matty decided not to release new WWE figures with other non-WWE releases on the usual sale date of the 15th each month. I guess they don't think a WWE fan would be interested in Voltron, Masters of the Universe, Ghostbusters or DC Universe toys, too.
If you haven't picked up Andre, yet, or were waiting for a recommendation, well here it is. Buy him! I really like how he turned out and he's one of those Superstars that really helps complete the line. When talking about WWE Legends (the toyline) with my friends I always say it will never be complete until Hulk Hogan is in it, but Andre the Giant is one of those wrestlers that are just as important to the history of the WWE and vital to any wrestling collection. If you are waiting for more figures to become available the next Legends release, Diamond Dallas Page, is scheduled for April, but you may want to consider getting Andre before then.