"The big guy is on his way! What's on your Christmas wish list this year?"
Well, I'm not going to bore you with some cliched response, but the problem with a Christmas list is who's doing the buying. My girlfriend says, in reference to my action figures, that it's too difficult to shop for me because I'm a collector and need to find a "perfect" copy of a figure... Okay, sure, I can be a bit meticulous in my purchases, but I pretty much handle all those purchases myself and she ends up buying something nice, but not necessarily toy-related.
So here's a list of stuff I want, with no regard for cost because it's a Christmas wish list after all!
In no particular order...
1. Transformers: Generations, Grimlock
2. TFC's Uranos, F4 Phantom (aka Fireflight)
3. WWE Elite 19, Shawn Michaels (Flashback)
4. WWE Elite 19, Miss Elizabeth
5. Transformers: Generations, Blaster
6. FansProject's Function-X1, Code (aka Chromedome)
7. TFC's Uranos, F-15 Eagle (aka Air Raid)
8. TFC's Uranos, SR-71 Blackbird (aka Silverbolt)
9. WWE Elite 19, Kane
10. WWE Elite 19, Dolph Ziggler
11. Transformers: Generations, Omega Supreme
12. Custom Championship Title Belt
13. WWE Elite 20, Christian (Flashback)
14. WWE Elite 20, Cody Rhodes
15. WWE Elite 20, Santino Marella
16. Marvel Universe, Professor X
17. Marvel Universe, Jubilee
18. WWE Hell in a Cell playset
19. Star Wars Vintage, Millenium Falcon
There are a bunch more toys I could list, but these are my primary wants. While I plan to purchase most of them and have preordered a few, some are very unlikely (custom title belt) in the near future. Anyway, that's my list, go see what other league members want!
From around the League
• Cool and Collected
• The Man Who Stares at Toys
• Fortune and Glory (Days)
• Monster Cafe
• Goodwill Hunting 4 Geeks
Apologies in advance to Leaguers not linked here, I had some PC issues at work and had to input the links manually one-by-one, so let me know if there's a bad link.