Week of Feb. 2nd - Feb. 8th
1. CM Punk (WM28) WWE Elite - Best of PPV
2. Shawn Michaels (WM28) WWE Elite - Best of PPV
3. HBK chest & knee decals BDITW
4. Code Function X (FansProject)
5. Longblast upgrade kit Mech Ideas
6. Big Show WWE Elite - Best of PPV
7. The Miz WWE Elite - Best of PPV
8. Ricardo Rodriguez WWE Elite - Best of PPV
So WWE Elites are still dominating the weekly hauls, but I did get in some new Third Party Transformers items. I wasn't planning on picking up the Toys R Us-exclusive Ricardo Rodriguez wave and thought it was mostly sold out after the holiday rush (save for Miz & Big Show), but during a lunchtime visit to TRU I stumbled upon what appeared to be a fresh case of the WrestleMania 28 series.
I know CM Punk was probably the best seller, but I wasn't too crazy about this attire and the fact he didn't include his "In Punk We Trust" t-shirt which is my favorite design of his. However, there was only one Punk on the pegs, so I decided to grab it. The also had referee Shawn Michaels, which was one I DID want, but wasn't willing to pay the $19.99 price for before. Of course, now I had to pay $21.99 after another TRU price bump. So I grabbed those two on Monday of last week, knowing I could pick up the other two whenever.
HBK actually turned out really nice. I love the fact they added his new wriest tattoo and the removable shirt opens up some future display possibilities. The odd red & green Punk attire is actually starting to grow on me and with a more-or-less WM28 Chris Jericho coming in the next mass-release wave of Elites, I'll be able to recreate their classic encounter from last year.
I think the results speak for themselves. It's a damn shame Mattel had to skimp on the pads and while the painted hearts on the knees are "passable", I have to say you would do the figure a disservice by not adding the BDITW stickers.
Also he was part of a special holiday promotion that had BBTS donating $20 worth of inventory to Toys for Tots with each preorder of Code, so I was happy to participate.

Back to WWE...
Once I committed to the idea of completing Ricardo Rodriguez, I returned to TRU to pick-up the other two figures needed to assemble ADR's ring announcer, Miz & Show. You may remember I picked up a loose WM28 Big Show from eBay a few months ago, so I wasn't exactly excited to buy him at retail. Luckily my TRU rewards coupons came in and I was able to get $5 off the purchase. I took a ride to my local TRU to pick-up Miz with the second coupon.
Miz's face looks really weird on this release. And I don't care for the "Team Johnny" t-shirt. It looks like he's wearing shoulder pads when you put it on him. The attire looks good, though, and a simple head swap with his Elite 9 figure gives you a nice alternate version to display. I may end up keeping him, although he was on my shit-list for nearly crippling CM Punk at a house show last weekend. He redeemed himself by allowing Antonio Cesaro to repeatedly smash him against the barricade on RAW. The AC's attack begins at the 2:20 mark.
So, how did Ricardo Rodriguez turn out? Well, as good as a figure in a tuxedo could turn out. One thing I was not happy about was the painted hands. They were molded in black plastic and the skin tone is painted on so thick it makes his hands look wrinkled. I solved that by swapping his hands with a spare figure that had a similar skin tone.
That's it for last week's Honeypot. This week's haul should be posted on the regular Monday schedule.
Until then, happy hunting!