Monday, December 31, 2012
3B's Best of 2012 - Year End Review
For the "Best of" list this year I added some categories and spread out brands over specific lines to include as many toys as possible while only covering things I've purchased over the past 365 days and that debuted in 2012.
So come now and see what my picks are for the best of the year!

Monday, December 24, 2012
The Honeypot: WWE, the Bat & a WarBot!
told me we still needed a couple of more items for my daughter. So I drove over to the Toys R Us near my job during my lunch break (approx. 10:30am) and was happy to find the store mostly empty (of shoppers, that is). I picked up a couple of Hello Kitty items for my little one, then took a stroll over to the action figure aisle where I found...

Sunday, December 23, 2012
LoEB: All I want for Christmas is... EVERYTHING!

"The big guy is on his way! What's on your Christmas wish list this year?"
Well, I'm not going to bore you with some cliched response, but the problem with a Christmas list is who's doing the buying. My girlfriend says, in reference to my action figures, that it's too difficult to shop for me because I'm a collector and need to find a "perfect" copy of a figure... Okay, sure, I can be a bit meticulous in my purchases, but I pretty much handle all those purchases myself and she ends up buying something nice, but not necessarily toy-related.
So here's a list of stuff I want, with no regard for cost because it's a Christmas wish list after all!

Friday, December 21, 2012
WWE Elite, Air Boom! - Review

Okay, so they aren't a tag team anymore, but Mattel's doing there best to get up-to-date action figures out there and it's a lot harder with the Elite line. Anyway, today's review focuses on the high-flyin' team known as "Air Boom" from the pinnacle of their union when they held the WWE Tag Titles.
We've seen both Superstars in the Elite line (especially Kofi), but don't write their latest release off just yet, because there's a lot of great changes on them. Let's see what they've got!

Sponsor News: Collector DASH Amazon Gift Card Giveaway!
Click HERE to enter!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012
WWE Elite, Kelly Kelly - Review

But basic series 23's Alicia Fox features the first real entrance accessory any Diva figure has recived, so what is the point of creating an Elite Diva now?
Let's see if Kelly Kelly has the answer!

Monday, December 17, 2012
The Honeypot: Display Expansion!
There are only two figures in this week's pot with some goodies thrown in for good measure and a new addition to the display area! Come see!

3B's Toy Hive's Christmas Contest Winners!

There were 7 entries for the Undertaker and 9 for Wheelie, which was really surprising to me considering most of my traffic is WWE-related. In all honesty, I expected many more entries, but I guess it translated to better odds for those who did enter, the luckiest of which being:
• Jeff R. - "WM28" Undertaker
• Mario M. - "Generations" Wheelie
• Colbey H. - Hot Wheels/MatchBox Batman vehicles
Congratulations you three! Your items will be shipping out this week and you should receive them soon after. Again thanks to all of you who played, I wish I could give all of you prizes, but there's always next year!
Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 16, 2012
LoEB: Dream Job

This week the League of Extraordinary Bloggers' asks:
If money was not a concern and you could choose any career path,
what would be your ultimate dream job?
After reading the challenge for the week on Monday I thought about my response, finally coming up with one a few days later and planning to write it up Friday afternoon until the tragic events at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, CT were reported. As a father I was deeply saddened to hear of what transpired up North and could not imagine what those families are going through.
Sitting in front of my computer writing this out on a Saturday night a day and a half after the shooting, I've had plenty of time to reflect on just what my dream job really means to me.

Saturday, December 15, 2012
Lucky Rogers, Junk Armor "Warrior" - Review

Hasbro did a nice job delivering a "classics" Wreck-Gar and his retool/redeco, Junkheap in the "Reveal the Shield" and "Generations" lines, respectively, but two figures does not a squad make. I bought multiples of each thanks to the fantastic decal kits released by Repro Labels (Wreck-Gar & Junkions 1 for the WG figure, Junkions 2) for Junkheap). But there's only so much you can do with decals. That's where Lucky Rogers steps in with this upgrade for the Junkion mold.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Sponsor News: Collector DASH Giveaway!

Hey don't pass up a shot at winning a FoC "G2" Bruticus!
Sign up HERE!

Christmas Contest Reminder!

Remember, I'm giving away a "WrestleMania 28" Undertaker and Transformers Generations Wheelie as the two main prizes! One runner-up will receive a set of Batman Hot Wheels!
Don't miss out on this giveaway, enter now!

WWE Elite Flashback, Diesel - Review

With both figures in hand I can tell you for certain that not only do I prefer the NWO figure, it's the better figure. Not only is Diesel the weaker of the two, he's a rather weak offering overall.
I'm sure that is confusing to some fans, but in what should have been a pretty straight-forward variant, Mattel made some choices that are just plain odd. Let's try to sort out what happened with Diesel here.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Transformers Generations FoC, "G2" Bruticus - Review
Ridiculous. Tawdry. Absurd. All perfectly acceptable words to describe their new motif. Anyway, I was a bit too young when the original G1 Bruticus was in stores, but G2 hit just around the time I was ten-years-old, so the toys looked "radical" to me. I knew I wouldn't be able to assemble Bruticus on my own, so I enlisted the aid of my cousin and we came to an agreement about each of us buying two of the limbs and then whoever finds Onslaught would buy him and we'd eventually alternate having Bruticus at home.

Monday, December 10, 2012
The Honeypot: WWE & TF accessories and Flintstones Hot Wheels!
Come see!

Thursday, December 6, 2012
LoEB: Merry Geekmas!
Merry Geekmas! Write or photograph something festive and pop culture oriented.
Well, I'm going to talk about my favorite Christmas time snack: Little Debbie's Christmas Tree cakes!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Sponsor News: Collector DASH Giveaway!

Sign up HERE!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Beezleboss, "Heroic Duo" Custom Kit - Review

I have to say I've been working on this review for nearly two weeks and it's been killer! The set is good, not great, but good. However, I've just hit a few blocks trying to get my thoughts on it out here.
Beezleboss has done fantastic work on previous kits for Cliffjumper/Bumblebee and Goldbug so I was very interested in this new set that replaces the horrible engine/blasters included with 'swipe & Red Alert who happen to share the same mold and transformation. But I think the set didn't quite turn out the way they were hoping it would and that's more obvious on some of the pieces than others.

Monday, December 3, 2012
The Honeypot: WWE Elite and a BFR!
Let's check them out!

Saturday, December 1, 2012
LoEB/ Currently on Display: "Shelf Expression"
The mission:
Post a photo of a shelf of items that displays your love for pop culture.
Here it is!

Friday, November 30, 2012
Christmas Contest: Win a Transformers or WWE figure!
The best part is that entering the contest is easy! All you have to do is send me an e-mail at [email protected] and include your first and last name along with the city and state you live in!
What are the prizes you ask? Click ahead to find out!

Thursday, November 29, 2012
WWE Elite Exclusive, Undertaker (WM28) - Review

At this year's WrestleMania event, the Undertaker increased his unprecedented winning streak to 20-0 setting a record that will more than likely never be broken in the WWE. A testament not only to the phenomenal abilities of the Deadman, but his popularity as a professional wrestling persona for over twenty years.
Today we're looking at his latest WWE Elite figure by Mattel, based on his appearance at WrestleMania 28. Watching the event back in April, I immediately thought "well, there goes Undertaker's next figure!" when he emerged on the stage wearing a creepy hooded robe covered in spikes. I thought it was a sure bet Mattel would deliver that version of Taker.
They did in a way, but something is clearly missing.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012
WWE Elite 17, Zack Ryder - Review

Zack Ryder's second entry into Mattel's WWE Elite Collection is finally here and this time the "Long Island Iced Z" is carrying gold! Yep, the main Broski comes packaged with his custom "Internet Championship" title belt and it easily ranks as one of the best belt accessories in the line thus far. But does this revised version of Ryder have anything else going for him to make him worth a double-dip?
Find out!

Monday, November 26, 2012
Sponsor Announcement!
Welcome to DASH, Here’s a Hot Toys Luke Skywalker Giveaway

Hey there Hive, in case you haven’t heard of, we wanted to make a strong first impression. In fact, we’re giving away a Hot Toys Luke Skywalker to make sure you remember us. This beautiful figure is valued at almost $300, includes a bundle of extras, and is being given away to one lucky collector for free by Collector-ActionFigures.
For your chance to win Luke Skywalker, all you need to do is complete a free membership registration with Collector-ActionFigures. It doesn’t cost a dime and only takes a minute, but make sure you go through the entire process to activate your account. Not only will you then be entered to win the contest, you’ll also have access to the internet’s best catalog of action figures. There’s simply no better way to start off a digital collection on DASH than by entering a classic figure like this Hot Toys beauty into your collection.
Enjoy your new membership, and we wish you good luck towards winning this unbelievable masterpiece of a prize.
Contest Details
- All entries must be received by 11:59p.m. ET on Friday November 30th.
- One grand prize winner will be selected at random.
- For an international winner, the first $10 will be paid for shipping, and the rest will be paid by the contestant.
For complete contest rules and requirements, please email [email protected]

Monday, November 19, 2012
WWE Elite Flashback, Mankind - Review

Saturday, November 17, 2012
The Honeypot: HTF Hot Wheels, TFs, Joes & WWE!
This week I hoped to pick-up some hard-to-find figures before the Thanksgiving/Black Friday holiday shopping rush starts next week and I was quite successful! New additions from WWE and Transformers plus I finally found some of those damned Dollar General G.I. Joes!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012
WWE Elite Flashback, Bret "Hit Man" Hart - Review

There are really two important aspects to any of these WWE exclusives: (1)paint decos and (2)accessories. We rarely see new figure sculpts, although there is the occasional new head scan, but for the most part they reuse a previous release and only focus on a new deco and accessories. The "pink and black attack" version of Hart reuses the "Defining Moments" figure as a base. It does really well in one category, but suffers in the other. Find out which one after the jump!

Sunday, November 11, 2012
The Honeypot: Accessories, troop building & more WWE!

Friday, November 9, 2012
WWE Elite Flashback, "Macho Man" Randy Savage (nWo) - Review

Today I appreciate WCW and the NWO as an important part of professional wrestling history. If not for the rise of WCW and the "Monday Night Wars", we wouldn't of had such awesome programming in the mid-to-late 1990s and early 2000s. Mattel's already released some prominent WCW-era Superstars and they continue with one of their RSC-exclusive WWE Elite Flashback figures this year, Randy Savage!

Thursday, November 8, 2012
WWE Elite Flashback, Kevin Nash - Review

It looks like my assumptions about the state of the Elite series in my area were wrong because last week I saw wave 16 figures all over the place! I'm very happy about that because it means I'm not at the mercy of RSC-pricing for retail figures. Legends fans should be doubly excited about series 16 because it contains two "Flashback" figures. Okay, yeah, they're technically the same guy, but he appears in two must-have versions. I'm talking of course about Kevin Nash and his WWE alter-ego, Diesel. So far I've only found Nash in his WCW-era, New World Order "Outsiders" gear, but it's a great addition to the burgeoning WCW section of the collection. Let's see how he turned out!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012
WWE Elite Flashback, Stone Cold Steve Austin - Review

But that's not the thing that sold me on this exclusive. No, sir. This version of Austin also includes his trademark "Smoking Skull" championship belt along with the "Attitude" era WWE title. Those two belts were enough to bump this latest Stone Cold figure into the "must-have" category.

Saturday, November 3, 2012
The Honeypot: Transformers, Voltron completed & WWE!
The third week was dominated by WWE exclusives from Ringside Collectibles. These were part of the single largest purchase I made all month and delivered some highly-anticipated figures. So let's get to the weekly breakdowns and see what the Hive hauled in!

Thursday, November 1, 2012
Transformers Prime, Cliffjumper (FE & RID) - Review

Wednesday, October 31, 2012
The Buzz: NYCC & Ringside Fest 2012
So anyway, I thought this would be a great time to look over some of the reveals from two recent events: New York Comic Con and Ringside Fest.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Perfect Effect, MotoBot RC - Review
That's where the third party market steps in and gives you a few options. Previously, iGear and Impossible Toys have delivered versions of "G1" Arcee, Delicate Warrior and Valkyrie, respectively. By the time I started assembling my classics TF collection last year obtaining iGear's Arcee homage was too costly. I gave Impossible Toys version a shot, but it was a turd and ended up going back to BBTS. It seemed all hope for a classic Arcee was lost, until Perfect Effect unveiled their "MotoBot" series...

Monday, October 22, 2012
Transformers Generations, Swerve - Review

You may notice some differences in the Kup figure pictured below, those are mostly attributed to modifications I've made with Repro Labels, but also includes the IDW-inspired iGear head and painted wheels. So don't freak out if you think you missed a better version of Kup on shelves. It's all "after-market" upgrades! Now, on to Swerve!

Saturday, October 20, 2012
League of Extraordinary Bloggers: A Nice Place to Visit
Take a trip to anywhere in pop culturedom. What fictional town, time, or world would you want to visit?
I should note that as I'm writing this I haven't read any of the other Leaguers responses (well, except Brian's at Cool and Collected) to avoid being influenced by their choices. So if my response is the same as someone else's, rest assured it is purely coincidental. So the fictional town I would most like to visit is...

Friday, October 19, 2012
Currently on Display: Halloween 2012
Of course, I don't have enough ghost/monster toys to fill up all my displays, so there are still plenty of superhero items around the room. Let's jump to it!

Sunday, October 14, 2012
The Honeypot: Transformers, Iron Men & the Demon's Head!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012
League of Extraordinary Bloggers: State of the Hive
Write a “State of the Site” for your web site. How’s it going? What exciting things have happened this past year? Where do you want your site to be in a year’s time?
Well, I think the time is just right for this topic. There have been lots of changes at 3B's Toy Hive, both on screen and behind the scenes. Click ahead and get I'll give you the rundown of how it's going!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012
WWE Elite Flashback, Yokozuna - Review

In the old WWF, Yokozuna was known for being a particularly monstrous heel. His grudge matches with the Undertaker led to the inclusion of the devious casket match as a WWE signature event. In fact, Yoko is the reason for the over-sized casket used in a lot of those matches. To say he's big is an understatement. "Just how did Mattel pull off such a massive body style?", you ask? Jump ahead to read the review!

Sunday, October 7, 2012
League of Extraordinary Bloggers: Halloween Costumes
Remember when Halloween was a big deal? I mean, a BIG deal? What was the most legendary costume you ever wore? What would you dress up as this year?

Saturday, October 6, 2012
The Honeypot: Marvel, G.I. Joe & TF!

Friday, October 5, 2012
Beezleboss, "Growing Pains" Custom Kit - Review

I didn't have a United Bumblebee and wasn't willing to pay upwards of $60 to obtain one (undoubtly in higher demand due to the release of this kit) and a regular Universe Bee just wouldn't live up to the GOLDbug moniker, so I settled on the next best thing...

Wednesday, October 3, 2012
The Buzz: FansProject Assaulter, Win a SDCC Shockwave/Destro set & more
Jump ahead to read about some Third Party toy news and how you can win a SDCC Shockwave H.I.S.S. tank!

Monday, October 1, 2012
Transformers: Generations, Wheelie - Review
Read on to find out why I added Wheelie to my collection!

Saturday, September 29, 2012
League of Extraordinary Bloggers: "Young Alfred Pennyworth"
"In the spirit of Young Indiana Jones, Young Frankenstein, or Young Einstein, come up with a 'Young ___' prequel or series."
Here's what I have in mind...

The Honeypot: Batmobiles & Transformers!

Saturday, September 22, 2012
The Honeypot: more Hot Wheels, Bowen and MU!
Aside from the Hot Wheels, nearly all these items were purchased online, which serves to illustrate the sad state of action figures in my area. Hot Wheels... never would have imagined I'd be buying these this often at this point in my lift. So jump ahead to see what came in this week!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Transformers Generations, Cliffjumper - Custom
If you're familier with the Universe version of Cliffjumper, you'll know he's a cheap repaint of the Bumblebee from the same line. Hasbro couldn't even be bothered with creating a new head. Add to that the horrid paint deco and you have a figure that is in no way worth the $60-100 current after market prices. Eventually FansProject released a replacement head, however it was produced in such a limited quantity that you'd be hard pressed to find it for under $250. Thankfully, Beezleboss stepped in with their own version and after sourcing an extra "RTS" Bumblebee, I began work on what I call "Generations Cliffjumper".

Saturday, September 15, 2012
The Honeypot: Bowen, Marvel Universe & Hot Wheels!

It's been six months or so since my last "Honeypot" entry and I don't know if you missed this feature or not, but I sure didn't miss having to write it. It became very tedious to keep track of all my purchases over the course of a month and after all that documentation I only had text to show for it. So I've regrouped and decided to post the Honeypot weekly (unless there aren't any new purchases), with a new format that includes pictures!
Let's jump ahead to see what goodies came into the Hive this week!

Friday, September 14, 2012
League of Extraordinary Bloggers: "My Work Number is 911!"
"Television executives have determined that you lead an amazing life and have pegged you as the next big reality TV star. What’s the name and the premise of your show?"
I considered skipping this topic, but since I was unable to write last week, decided I'll go for it. I don't particularly like to talk about my day job because it usually raises annoying questions and I prefer to leave work at work. However, since there have already been several TV shows about my profession, I figured this would be easy.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012
The Buzz: Transforming Collections Kickstarter Project
I don't usually promote items on the Hive, but I find this particular kickstarter project very interesting given my enjoyment of unlicensed transforming toys and thought I'd share it here. It's a guide to so-called "third party" transforming action figures and accessories written and illustrated by Philip Reed of BattleGrip fame. The good news is that the project is already funded! The GREAT news is that there are stretch goals that unlock additional items along with the book (with a $15 minimum pledge).
You can get all the details by clicking here. I don't know about you, but the promise of trading card-sized stickers and a hardcover version of the book sounds fantastic!
Also, make sure to visit BattleGrip for some entertaining toy reviews and news. For a listing of all third party toy reviews on the Hive, follow this link.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012
League of Extraordinary Bloggers: Ninja Attack!

Return'd: TDKR, Batmobile with Batman
I have to tip my hat to certain bloggers who are able to photograph new purchases right away and have something posted within a day, but I don't have the time for that so you won't be seeing any of my photos here. Also, because the subject of the review was returned I feel it would be wrong to do so after having photographed it for the purposes of a negative review. I have ethics, damnabbit! But I'll add stock photos (if available) to make sure you know what I'm writing about.
Our first return comes from Mattel's underwhelming The Dark Knight Rises movie line. Not the Movie Masters line, but the "kid-aimed", laughable 3.75" scale line. There's a Batmobile, so it can't be that bad, right? Well, click ahead to find out.

Thursday, August 23, 2012
Currently on Display: July & August 2012

Tuesday, August 21, 2012
WWE Legends, Diamond Dallas Page - Review

By now we know that Mattel's not exactly breaking records with their online-only wrestling action figures, an avenue they insist is aimed at adult collectors. So why aren't these figures selling out like many of Mattel's other lines? DDP was the second WWE Legends figure released online, but is the first of the "fan voted" figures to appear. When promotional images surfaced many fans were upset at some of the facial details, stating that the hair style and facial hair color were off. Let's take a closer look at the figure and see if the criticism is justified or just fanboy nagging (well, obviously, it's not). BANG!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Marvel Universe Series II - Trading Cards
If you remember from my various "Currently on Display" posts, my main display area is a bookcase that aside from showing off action figures & vehicles is also home to my graphic novel and trading card collections. Jump ahead for a look at my absolute favorite card series: Marvel Universe Series II by Impel!

Friday, July 27, 2012
The Buzz: SDCC Reveals, part 2: Mattel unveils "Submageddon!"

Thursday, July 26, 2012
The Buzz: SDCC Reveals, part 1: Hasbro
Jump ahead for my thoughts on the Hasbro reveals!

Monday, July 9, 2012
Hive News: What's happened to 3B?!

Saturday, June 9, 2012
Marvel's The Avengers - Movie Review
I won't bother with a full review of the movies, but just share my thoughts and my overall opinion of a flick. I hate it when someone ruins a film by giving away plotpoints or specific reveals, so I'll avoid doing that as best I can. So let's kick things off with the Summer's biggest movie so far, The Avengers!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Currently on Display: June 2012

Friday, June 1, 2012
WWE Legends, The Von Erichs - Review

Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Voltron, Yellow Lion & Hunk - Review

Monday, May 14, 2012
WWE Elite, Cody Rhodes (Series 13) - Review

Friday, May 11, 2012
WWE Elite Flashback, Edge - Review

Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Voltron, Red Lion & Lance - Review
Last Summer Mattel went sub-crazy and unveiled several new subscriptions for their various collector lines. Among them was a sub for the debuting Voltron toy line featuring the five robotic lions that combine to form the mighty titular robot and their respective pilots. The club exclusive would be Sven, the original Blue Lion pilot who was injured and forced to quit the team and replaced by Princess Allura. I figured, "what the heck?" and signed up.
However, much like the Ghostbusters line's Club Ecto-1 (which I also signed up for), Mattel didn't receive the support they

Monday, May 7, 2012
WWE Elite, Daniel Bryan - Review

Friday, May 4, 2012
Transformers Cyberverse, Powerglide - Review

Sunday, April 29, 2012
WWE Elite Flashback, Big Boss Man - Review
WWE Legends proper may be all but extinct at retail, but it's heart still beats within Mattel's WWE Elite Collection as they've incorporated FLASHBACK figures into the line. This opens up a whole lot of possibilities for bringing retired Superstars and older versions of currect Superstars on to retail shelves. I've already reviewed the first two flashback figures (debut Kane & Papa Shango), picked up the third (Edge from series 13) and now have the first of two from series 14, the Big Boss Man. Get ready to do some hard time!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Dr. Wu, Duel Upgrade - Review

Monday, April 16, 2012
WWE Defining Moments, John Cena - Review

Monday, April 2, 2012
BTS Sonicron - Review

At the top of that list is Soundwave, Megatron's right-hand bot. I found the Generations "Cybertronian" Soundwave rather easily at a Walmart not too far from home, and he's a fun figure, but I wanted a more traditional (and bigger) version for the classics display. The only real "classic" Soundwave released so far was the Takara Music Label figure, but he's no longer sold through retailers and the after-market asking price was above what I'm willing to pay for it. Then a glimmer of hope... BTS Toys released their take on a modernized Soundwave figure and he would cost less than $100!

Saturday, March 31, 2012
The Honeypot: March 2012

Wednesday, March 14, 2012
WWE Legends, Texas Tornado - Review

However, it's important to remember the contributions they made to wrestling and the joy they brought to fans around the world. Today we're looking at the "Texas Tornado" version of Kerry Von Erich from WWE Legends series 6. He along with with his older brother Kevin make up 3/5ths of the wave (there's a non-Tornado version of Kerry also) and offer up what is surely the best representation of Von Erich action figures released at one time.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012
WWE Elite Flashback, Kane - Review

Monday, March 12, 2012
Aliens, ATAX - Review

With all the modern advancements in action figure manufacturing I find it surprising that there isn't much diversity on the shelves these days. Although the Aliens line was a licensed property, it took liberties with established characters while introducing new characters and vehicles, something you don't really see today.

Friday, March 9, 2012
Transformers "Reveal the Shield", Gold Bumblebee

Thursday, March 8, 2012
Transformers Prime, Megatron - Review

Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Currently on Display: March 2012

Wednesday, February 29, 2012
The Honeypot: February 2012

Monday, February 27, 2012
ThunderCats Classic, Lion-O - Review